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    金宇 • 畫溪莊園


    畫溪莊園是2009年宇誠集團在長興的又一力作。項目位于長興新城市核心“龍山新區”,總建築面積約86000 m²,綠化率高達38%,排屋、高層住宅形成南低北高的錯落式布局。項目周邊交通便捷,東臨潤興路,南至齊山路,西接畫溪大道,北抵興民路,更坐擁龍山新區的稀缺自然景觀和高端市政配套。

    Huaxi Mansion lies at the center of Longshan new district in Changxing county. As a masterpiece, it covers a construction area of 86000 m². The green rate is as high as 38%. It includes row houses and high-rise apartments with convenient transportation around. There is the Runxin road to the east, Qishan road to the south, Huaxi avenue to the west and Xinmin road to the north of it. It is an ideal living place with particular natural landscape and the convenience of municipal facilities.


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